M Butterfly: a story of victimization
Questions:Do you see Rene Gallimard as:1. a victim2. an acomplise3. an escape artist?Do you read the story of Gallimard's downfall, as presented by Hwang's text, as one of:1. victimization2. cultural coding3. futile reflexivity?OR?
The Dumb Waiter: commentaries
Post your thoughts on the following suppositions -1. Why call the play 'The Dumb Waiter'? Any significance besides the bare obvious, that there is a dumb waiter involved? any symbolism in an 'absurd' play?2. Who could Ben/Gus resemble from the contemporary world? (think stories, films, graphic novels)3. To what extent is the langugage of the play a communication tool?4. What do you make of the ending of the play?5. Who could be the people up-stairs? What could their conversation be about?